Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Luckily, this product is now being sold at drugstores and Costco, which is where I purchased it, hence the big size :)

I have been using it for quite a while now. Can’t really say how long exactly but I think it’s safe to say it’s been at least a year and a half. It is not the only shampoo I use because we all know we need to switch products from time to time so that our hair doesn’t get used to it, to know what other shampoo I use for soft hair, come back tomorrow to find out.

After all this time using this shampoo I think I have a very good idea of the product and feel I can review it properly.

First thing I should say is that it is thick, very thick, therefore I recommend getting a bottle with pump otherwise it is going to be very hard to get the product out of the bottle.

Smell, oh wow it smells delish! It’s coconutty, sweet but not too much…just wonderful.

When it comes to cleaning power I have to say that since it is so moisturizing and conditioning, it can leave your hair a little greasy. Not a problem if you wash your hair everyday or even every other day but if you’re used to washing your hair less than that, then it might be a problem. I know CVS and Ulta sell the travel size for a very good price; I think it is $2.99. If you have greasy hair and are unsure about trying this product it is probably a good idea to get the small travel size to test it first and if you like it, then buy a big sized bottle with pump.

I love it so much that I already bought another big bottle for when I run out of this one.

Betty says… luxury in a bottle   


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