Wednesday, October 13, 2010


For the longest time I kept trying to get my hands on this Essie nail polish but it always seemed to be sold out so I had to find the closest dupe I could at Ulta and I bought Sally Hansen’s Going Green.

I’m using 2 coats of Essie Pretty Edgy in the pic above and I love how bright and truly green it is. This is an opaque creme that provides great coverage and is very easy to apply.

When I got home, I noticed that it was extremely similar to the Sally Hansen Going Green nail polished I had so I decided to compare them side by side.

 In the pictures below I am wearing both nail polishes and the camera, the angle and the close up shows you the difference between them but in real life it is almost impossible to tell them apart. I showed my hand to a few people and nobody was able to see a difference. In other words, you really need to watch it up close to notice that Going Green has some slight shimmer but besides that, they are basically the same color. They both wear great in my experience.

I am wearing:
Essie Pretty Edgy on ring and pointer fingers
Sally Hansen Going Green on pinky and middle fingers

Betty says…exact dupes   

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